Land Speed Legends
Conversations with men & women who make land speed racing legendary!
Land Speed Legends
The Legendary Frank Silva
THE LEGENDARY FRANK SILVA'S first trip to the Bonneville Salt Flats was with his dad when he was seventeen years old. That year they came out as spectators but it didn't last long and within a few years they were wrenching and racing the Got Salt Lakester. Frank's dad, Frank Sr., took six years to get a record in that car but it only took the junior Frank one! Unfortunely, his dad had passed away by the time he gothis record that earned him entry into the 300 MPH Chapter of Bonneville 200 MPH Club . Frank describes that year as "Fairy tale year" as he set a record and spread his dad's ashes over the salt. Frank is one of the most enegetic, genuine and humble guys out on the salt and it makes for a great interview!